Education Team

The Education Team’s duty is to help people grow in love through Bible based education. This applies to children, youth, and adult ministries within the church. Sunday school classes and Vacation Bible School are a responsibility tasked to this team.

This team will develop a training program for teachers – Safe Sanctuaries (requiring clearances/background checks of five years or newer). This program will be made conveniently available on the New Life website.

This team will diligently monitor services and classes – making sure they start on time.

Fellowship Team

The Fellowship Team’s duty is to help people grow in love through small and large group fellowship such as Bible studies and other church community/family events.

This team will plan and advertise for these one day/night event and short-term or long-term study groups.

It is encouraged for this team to find new ways to bring in diversified guest ministries.

Evangelism Team

The task of the Evangelism Team is to lead people to Jesus and grow in numbers through Spirit-led evangelism. The Evangelism Team will budget for efforts to invite new people to New Life. Another item this team would assist in is the creation and distribution of the quarterly newsletter.

Further, this team would be responsible for assisting the Administrative Assistant with outreach efforts that include: the updating and maintenance of the building’s welcome center (that includes visitor gift sets to make the church inviting and engaging with new attendees), the creation and maintenance of a New Life media presence/availability (such as a website, Facebook page, or other social media options), as well as the availability of weekly sermons to people who were not able to attend church. With the incorporation of New Life and an online presence, advertised office hours and availability will be made public.

Ministry Team

The Ministry Team’s duty is to help people to grow in service and meet needs through well-defined, intentional ministry. This team will embrace selflessness and coordinate efforts to minister to others outside of New Life (both near and far).

This team will promptly organize a response to needs that arise for local children, elderly, widows, etc.

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team is responsible for helping people to grow in faith through planned periods of prayer. The Prayer Team meets every Sunday at 10:00 AM to lift up and pray for the morning Worship service. In addition to the weekly prayer time, the Prayer Team will also meet on the 1st Thursday evening for an extended prayer meeting at 7:00 PM. We also send out a monthly prayer calendar which encompasses two months at a time.

Worship Team

The Worship Team’s duty is to help people to grow in spirit through inspiring, God-exalted worship. These responsibilities would include (but are not limited to): assisting in the creation evolution of a new combined service that includes contemporary/worship music as well as traditional music and PowerPoint presentations to assist in the organization of the weekly service.